The Specialized Service Unit began in 2018 when Wingspan opened Harmony House to serve individuals with significant mental health concerns, assisting them in transitioning back to their homes or after a crisis intervention has occurred. To meet the growing demand for residential care for people that have not found success with long term placement, Hope, Humble, and Haven houses were opened. Another home was purchased in April of 2023. Additional training in crisis prevention, intervention, and resolution is provided for staff assigned to SCS. Homes may be modified to meet the needs of those residing there.

Harmony House, which received its first client in 2018, was Wingspan’s first crisis respite home for short-term care and intervention strategies. Zen House, which opened in 2024, was Wingspan's first crisis respite home for youth aged 12-17.
They provide for:
- Relief and support of the caregiver and protection of the person or others living with the person
- A person’s need for behavioral or medical intervention
A person is eligible to receive crisis respite services when caregivers and service providers are not able to provide necessary intervention and protection of the person or others living with that person. Crisis respite services allow the person to avoid institutional placement.
Hope, Humble, and Haven are long-term care homes established to accommodate clients with increased needs including needs that may be influenced by more challenging behaviors.
- Unique strategies allow them to be more successful in a residential setting designed for up to two clients. These clients may not thrive as well in a typical group home setting (which typically have an average of 4 clients) due to the unique attributes of their highly specialized care plan.
- Person-centered support is continuously adapted to the individual with their input
- Success-oriented strategies include positive reinforcement
A person is eligible for Specialized Community Supports if he or she is on one of the following waivers:
- Brain Injury (BI)
- Community Alternative Care (CAC)
- Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI)
- Developmental Disabilities (DD)
Crisis respite clients are referred to Wingspan through Metro Crisis Coordination Program (MCCP) (952) 767-3125. Other specialized service clients are referred to Wingspan through the Minnesota Department of Human Services(DHS) or through a family member.

For more information about Wingspan’s crisis respite services, please contact Rachel Zaffke at (651) 242-5844 or