Employee Appreciation Awards
The Beryl Wolney Award was named after a woman who worked at St. Ann's Residence for many years. The women there cherished her as a beloved friend; there was no one they respected more than Beryl. She was a role model to all of the staff and a very humble person--a kind and loving friend to everyone. Beryl lived a life of service to others and that is where she found her joy in life.

Beryl Wolney Award:
Since joining Wingspan in 2021, Dee has continuously modeled Wingspan’s core values and has demonstrated unwavering dedication to her job. At Colfax house, she was responsible for clients with a variety of needs and many mobility issues.
Though her job has been physically exhausting at times, her attitude has always been one of cheerful compassion. She attends to each client with great care and with a wonderful sense of humor. Dee has taken clients on trips and has brought them to participate in several of our multicultural and other enrichment events--always making sure they could participate and feel included to the best of their ability. Dee is always up for singing, dancing, gently cajoling—in general, making sure everyone is having a good time.
She also inspired a family visiting from out-of-state who saw Dee and her team in action at the state fair. The visitors were so impressed that they sent a wonderful email and have made donations two years in a row. Sandy and Joe Eickhoff have also praised Dee’s effort. John Horberg has repeatedly praised Dee for taking care of Paul.
Dee showed leadership and strength while shouldering her own grief with the passing of Pam Walker and Julie Eickhoff. She also readily accepted the transition from Colfax to Sheridan House and has easily adapted to serving there.
Dee has a watchful presence and is quick to support other staff, including at Ladies Day In. She never hesitates to lend a hand to clients in need at other events including the picnic. Her warmth resonates from within and her big smile is a welcome sight. Dee truly understands that we are all part of Wingspan’s family regardless of our specific assignments; she will help anyone, anytime.
~Darolyn Gray & Julie Leiferman
Leadership Award:
Huda has been employed by Wingspan for 6 ½ years. She is a full-time staff at our Wentworth House. She was nominated for this award by myself and two of her co-workers. I first met Huda 4 years ago when I first became a program director and was assigned the Wentworth house. I did not know the ladies who lived there very well and certainly was not familiar with their routines. Shortly after I started the House Coordinator at the time went on a vacation out of the country for two months. I was very anxious and nervous being so new to the house, and knowing how much I rely on my House Coordinators. That was when I noticed Huda’s true leadership ability. She stepped in and helped me make sure that all shifts were covered, medications were ordered, appointments were being done and that the ladies had everything they needed. I thought that this time without a House Coordinator and being new would be stressful, but with Huda’s help, leadership and guidance, it went very smoothly.
Huda always takes more of a leadership role within Went worth, and over the years has brought things to my attention and also the HC’s attention that may have been overlooked, for that I am also grateful.
In the past four years, Wentworth has been without a House Coordinator 4 different times, each time I went to Huda and asked her if she would like to apply for the position, but each time she replied that she is content to stay in her current position of full time DSP. I respected this choice but also knew that the house would be in great hands during the interim of no HC as Huda always steps up and takes on many of the responsibilities of an HC. The house and the lady’s needs were being met, medications ordered, schedules filled, and appointments done as needed. I also knew that Huda would be a great resource for each new HC hired and helps when and where needed than goes back into her DSP role but always willing to step up into the leadership role when asked or if she sees the need.
I have been blessed to work with Huda and am so happy to present her with this prestigious award. You truly are a leader!
~Shelda Thompson

Employee of the Year Award:
Taofeek Adedapo's (also known as Mr. T) exceptional contributions to Wingspan and the 29th Ave house have been recognized not only by his supervisor, Floyd, but also by Program Directors Jeff and Shelda.
Since joining Wingspan in 2023 as a Direct Support Professional (DSP), Mr. T has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to providing compassionate care to the individuals living at 29th Ave, many of whom face complex health challenges. His daily interactions are characterized by a deep attentiveness to their unique needs, showcasing his dedication to their well-being.
One example of Mr. T's extraordinary care involves George H., a resident who has recently faced significant health declines and was placed on Hospice care. Mr. T's commitment to George has been remarkable. Understanding George's selective preferences regarding food and caregivers, Mr. T took the initiative to prepare a special meal for him during the Wingspan summer picnic. He didn’t just provide food; he created an environment where George felt comfortable and included. By choosing a comfortable spot for them to enjoy the event together, Mr. T exemplified the kind of thoughtful, personalized care that enhances the quality of life for the individuals he serves.
Moreover, Mr. T has been an invaluable resource for his colleagues. As staff members join the 29th Ave house family, Mr. T ensures they feel welcomed and supported. His approach fosters a collaborative atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to learn and grow together. Colleagues frequently commend him for being approachable and respectful, as well as for his creativity and commitment to maintaining a clean and organized environment. His cooperative spirit and willingness to share his knowledge make him a cornerstone of the team, promoting a culture of care that benefits both residents and staff. He shows up for work on time, and will often work extra shift.
In summary, Taofeek Adedapo embodies the core values of Wingspan through his compassionate care, dedication to his colleagues, and unwavering commitment to enhancing the lives of those around him. His contributions not only uplift the individuals at 29th Ave but also inspire his fellow team members to strive for excellence. It is for these reasons that I wholeheartedly support his nomination for Employee of the Year.
~Deb Hofbauer